Qualifications for all applicants
Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Must be in 9th grade at one of the 6 participating schools OR be a 9th grade African American male attending a public or charter school in the San Diego Unified School District
- Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Be available to attend monthly programs, typically scheduled on Saturdays and during school holidays
- Have diverse interests and experiences
- Have a strong desire to learn and grow, and a positive outlook on life
- Verbal and written communication skills
- Plan to attend college
- Willing to share their experiences and opinions during discussions and in written reflections
Participating in the Aaron Price Fellows Program is an honor and a privilege. The Price Family and program staff invest significant time and resources into the program. In return, Fellows are expected to:
- Attend regularly scheduled programs with an open mind
- Maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average
- Be respectful of the opinions and differences of others
- Exhibit care and concern for others
- Make an effort to develop strong leadership skills
- Make an effort to establish a relationship with everyone in their class
- Maintain a drug-free, violence-free lifestyle in and away from the program
- Openly communicate with staff, facilitators, and other Fellows
- Actively participate in program activities (i.e. asking questions, reading pre-program material, and thoughtfully completing program evaluations).